Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

seven wonders of the world has recognized. beberpa be displaced by nomination from other countries who filed their respective regions (states) they are to be nominated or even become a member of the 7 wonders of the world title.
ever before that we also need to consider how the old world keajaiabn all of which have been destroyed except for Khufu pyramid, which still survive.
1. Pyramid of Giza

Kufu Great Pyramid is one than the Seven Wonders of the World is the oldest and
the latter is still living. This pyramid is believed to be fostered as a tomb for Pharaoh Kufu (Greek name: Cheops; period of reign: 2606-2583 BC) than the Fourth Dynasty Egypt. Hemon is Arkiteknya, Kufu brother. This pyramid ready to be coached in about 2580 BC, after swallowing 20-year period.
2. Depending Park Babylon

Depending Park Babylon (also known as the Garden Depending Semiramis) and the walls of Babylon (now Iraq) has been considered to be one instead of the Seven Wonders of the World. Both of them have been fostered by King Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC), grandson of the famous King Hammurabi, circa 600 BC. Babylon depending Park is located about 50 kilometers south of Baghdad, Iraq on the Euphrates River east bank.
Depending on the actual park is not really "hanging" as bound with rope. His name comes from the Greek word translated kremastos or pensilis Latin word, which meant not just "hanging" but "anjung," as shown at the top or a berandah teres.
3. Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis (Greek B: Ἀρτεμίσιον Artemision, B. Latin: Artemisium) is a temple of the Ancient Greek civilization that nurtured to worship the god Artemis. This temple was nurtured at 550 S.M. at Ephesus, located in the state of Turkey today. This temple was classified in the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World but telahpun destroyed by Herostratus.
4. Zeus at Olympia

The idol of Zeus at Olympia carved by the famous classical sculptor Phidias namely (Kurun to-5 Before Masihi) about 435 BC, in Greece
"In his right hand, a form of 'victory' is created than the ivory and gold. In his left hand, which held its natural emblem with the whole metal, and a helang bertenggek on it. Sandals god created than gold, so it is with his robes." - Pausianas the Greek (2nd century AD After).
5. Grave Maussollos

Maussollos tomb in Halicarnassus (now Bodrum, Turkey) is a large tomb that nurtured for Satrap (Gabernur) region by Maussollos Curia Parsi wife and sister Artemisia II of Caria. Building tomb arkitek cooked up by the ancient Greek Satyrus and Pythius. High tomb 45 meters. On the outer walls are engravings and sculpture. Antipater of Sidon have been put in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World.
These tombs are guided between 353 and 350 BC and stood for 1.700 years. The building was eventually destroyed by several earthquakes in the 14th century and the 15th.
6. Giant Rhodes

Giant statue of Rhodes is a large statue symbolizing the ancient Greek god Helios is located in Rhodes, namely a Greek island. The statue was erected by Chares of Lindos between 292 and 280 BC and is one of the Seven Wonders of the World rather than antiquity. Giant statue of Rhodes stood 30 feet tall and done than gangsa. However, after 56 years nurtured, this statue destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BC.
7. Alexandria Fire Houses

House fire or Alexandria (Pharos of Alexandria) is a house fire that guided the 3rd century BC on the island of Pharos border with the ancient city of Alexandria, ancient Egypt. Dianggar height exceeding 115 meters and is among the highest structure created by men for hundreds of years. Antipater of Sidon has menyenaraikannya list of the Seven Wonders of His world.
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Don't be Shy to Cry

Here are some facts about Tears (crying)
1. Crying is one of our difference with other God's creatures. Crying does not only represent the atmosphere sad but also happy.
2. Crying is a natural way to remove harmful elements from the human body. These elements are produced by the body when people are experiencing despair and fear
3. Crying can relieve stress.
4. Women cry more than 4 times that of men. Because this is also the average age of women longer than men. Because proven crying can remove toxins produced by the body through the eyes of running water. Or in other words, causes the growth menahanair eye poison.
5. Crying can maintain the softness of her eyes.
6. A modern researchers say, women cry as much as 3 - 5 times a month. 73% of women because menagis men. 6% of women did not cry when nerve pressure. 74% of women had tears in his eyes hard enough time crying and 85% were relieved after crying.
7. Café sadness in China visited the bustling eastern visitors who want to shed his sadness though expensive ditarif hour (50 yuan / US $ 6). In the café was provided onion, red pepper, handkerchiefs and melancholy music to help guests shed tears.
8. Cry baby since it was in the womb.
And there are many other facts. So if you are in a situation where the crying was allowed and socially acceptable, then for the sake of your health, cry. Spill and release feelings of sadness or emotion pent up in your mind.
Phenomenon reveals STRANGE and UNIQUE: Ice Circle
Ice Circle or the circle of ice is a phenomenon that appears in the water that flows slowly in a cold climate. The shape resembles a giant dish which consists of ice and rotates slowly on the surface of the water.
This mystery has really been mentioned in the 19th century. An illustration of the Ice Circle magazine has been published in Scientific American in 1895. London News also reported this phenomenon is happening in Toronto in 1930.
Generally, this phenomenon appeared in Scandinavia and North America, but never one time seen in the UK in January 2009.
Circle Ice generally appear on the curve of the river where water flow is accelerated to create a force called "rotational shear", which then broke the ice and play.
In line with the rotation of the disc, he grinding ice around so that a smooth and form a perfect circle. This phenomenon has been identified although the cause, but it remains a rare occurrence.
Here are some examples of the beautiful ice circle:

River in Michigan, United States.

Otten River in Devon, England. 3 meters in diameter

Frozen river in Russia

Sheridan River at Rattray Marsh Conservation Area in Canada,
approximately 1.6 meters in diameter

A river in Sweden

Waldo, the United States.

Amasa, Michigan.

Connecticut, USA
Sony LauncheD TV 3D

Sony held a soft launch of 3D Bravia TV in Tokyo, Japan, Tuesday (9/3/2010). The plan, Sony will market this product globally starting in June 2010. If nothing gets in the way, Sony will show off the sophistication of this TV at the World Cup June 11 to July 11 next.
Sony membanderol is quite expensive TV. Television with 46-inch screen costs 350,000 yen or U.S. dollar equivalent of 3875.
Largest electronics producers in Japan is optimistic that the product would sell. In fact, Sony management target pairs, 10 percent of TV sales this year donated from 3D TV. Total sales taget own TV for 25 million units.
"Sony will release the 3D spectacle of the boundaries of cinema and make it into something that can be enjoyed at home," said Sony Senior Vice President, Yoshihisa Ishida.

The entry of Sony obviously will create competition in the 3D TV market fierce. Earlier, in February, Samsung has issued a product 3D high-definition TV (HD) in Korea. "Sony will be a tough competitor Samsung, because they lead in the gaming industry," said Alex Oh, analyst at Hanwha Securities in Seoul, Korea.

ISuppli predicts research institute, although expensive, consumers will still buy a 3D TV. iSuppli believes global TV3D sales volume in 2010 will reach 4.2 million unit range with a value of 7.37 billion revenue dollars. (KONTAN / Dikky Setiawan)
Mystery of the Great Blue Hole The Famous And Life In The depth
Lighthouse Reef Atoll Blue Hole
The Blue Hole is the result of repeated ruins of a limestone cave system that formed during the sea level lower during the last ice age journey.
Geographical phenomena remarkable this is one the most spectacular dive sites in the world, made famous by Jacques-Yves Cousteau who declared it was one of the best scuba diving the best of the 4 sites on Earth. In 1971, he took ship and submarine Calypso to the hole to the depth chart and examine stalactites hang suspended from the wall.
Contrary to rumors, Cousteau was not losing his son Philippe in here - he died elsewhere in a helicopter crash. Cousteau also did not use explosives to destroy the patch reefs at Calypso navigation at the Blue Hole.
Pederson's cleaning shrimp that inhabit everywhere and surrounded by prominent anemone, and the neon gobies advertise their cleaning services from various coral heads. Angelfish, butterflyfish, hamnlets, and small groupers are also frequently seen. Elkhorn coral is growing to the surface and sweeping purple seafans in calm water surface, they look rich shimmering colors.
The walls are thin from the surface to a depth of about 110 feet (44 meters) where you begin to discover the actual formation of stalactites back angle, which allows you to dive under the overhang horrible. Water movement and visibility approaching 200 feet (61 meters).
The deeper areas in the Blue Hole does not have abundant life because of the walls that limit, resulting in a lack of water circulation and light.
Local residents feel this should be one of the Seven Wonders of the World. And now protected by the Belize Audubon Society and the Belize National Monument. It became a World Heritage site in 1997
A major earthquake will cause the cave ceiling collapsed to form the sinkhole, and the turbulence has the effect of Lighthouse Reef tilted to an angle of about 12 degrees. Along the walls of this cave is a former overhang and the edge, housing Pleistocene stalactites, stalagmites, and columns.
Evidence for this is the edge of the shelf and carved in limestone by the sea, which run around the complete interior of the Blue Hole at various depths. The first of these edges was found between 150 and 165 meters (45-50 feet) and the most visited on the south side.
A deeper dive into the Blue Hole, a clear water and more spectacular scenery, a strange array of stalactites and limestone formations which form the walls become more complex and intense.
On the west side at a depth of 230 feet (70 meters), there are entrance through a narrow tunnel into a large cave. Total darkness, stalactites, stalagmites, and columns in the world that are not disturbed.
The floor was covered with silt very fine waves into large clouds with a slight movement of a passing diver. In the farthest corner, another narrow passage leading up to a cave and other caves emharah to 2 and 3, where there are skeletal remains of turtles have never find a way out of there ..
Part of the tunnel is estimated to be directly connected to the mainland, although never conclusively proven. Mainland also has a lot of holes filled with water that is connected to the caves and tunnels.
2-foot long laminated sediment cores revealed that circulated during the study by Robert F. Dill and divers from the Cambrian Foundation in 1997. There is no oxygen near the bottom, and hydrogen sulfide under the sea to prevent residents dig and disturb the sediment.
Preliminary analysis of short cores show fluctuating pollen, spores, mercury, and arsenic levels ranged between 15 and 21 ppm (parts per million). Other events recorded in the short cores, including a hurricane or major storm levels. Storm layers of light and beautiful color.
Water does not circulate freely in the Blue Hole, so there is little marine life beneath the shallow depths. In deeper waters the Blue Hole, one may see the appearance of a rare shark. Large cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites in the 150 foot level - some ranging from 30-40 exceptional feet (9-12 meters) to10 long and 5 feet (1,5-3 meters) in diameter.
Temperature at a depth of 130 feet (40 meters) is approximately 76 degrees F (24 C) throughout the year.
Lighthouse Reef, an atoll approximately 25 miles long and 10 wide 12 miles, has a typical closed lagoon. The depth of these lagoons varies 5-25 feet (1,5-7,5 m), where many scattered coral reef formations known as the patches found on the inside.
8 prehistoric animals of the most famous

1. Triceratops
Name: Triceratops
Length: 9 m, height 3 m
Mass: 12 tons
Period: Late Cretaeceous (68 million years ago)
Eating: Nature
Triceratops means three horned face in Greek. It has long horns as much as 1 m 2 of fruit on her eyes, and one shorter at the top of his nose. The most distinguishes this animal from other animals is the skull that can grow as long as 2m, almost a third of his body length. This animal fossils found in the Americas. These animals are not expected in groups and individually. Horn serves as his position against other Triceratops as current deer (courtship). These animals became the object of considerable research favored by scientists because of the many fossils found.
In addition to these fossils were found hewn, this animal is famous for the eksotisannya, a unique physical form and impressed "friendly" to the community make it a prehistoric animal icons mainstream children.

2. Mammoth
Name: Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
Length: 5 meters (up to shoulder)
Mass: 12 tons
Age: Pliocene (4.8 jt years ago)
Eating: Plants (usually in the form of a tree)
Mammoth is an ancestor of animals that we know as the elephant, and a 3.3 m long tusks that are used during a fight or frighten the enemy. Mammoth fossils are often found in good condition because the condition is still very low temperature. Elephant habitat is the Balkan regions (Russia, Siberia, and surrounding areas). Mammoth is also called the elephant or the elephant woolled thick hairy coat to protect because of his body (yg able to make to survive in extreme temperatures).

3. Velociraptor
Name: Velociraptor
Length: 2 m, (as stand height 1 m)
Mass: 50 kg
Period: Late Cretaeceous
Eat: The animals are smaller than his size
Velociraptor means high-speed thief (speedy thief). Has 30 teeth long and sharp, flat beak, and neck shape like the letter "s". Moving with both legs (feet) it is strong, and small size, these animals have similar characteristics to the cheetah. However, raptor often hunt in groups of 3-10 tail raptor. Another distinctive feature of the raptor (other than strong legs) is a brain capacity is estimated to have the same ability with chimpanzees (able to communicate with fellow raptor through the voices specific). Flight speeds reaching 40 miles per hour. Velociraptor fossils found in Russia, Mongolia, and China.

4. Pterodactyl
Name: Pterodactyl (pterosaurs)
Length: body when standing 3m, reaching wing span of 10m
Massa: --
Age: Triassic (65.5 million years ago)
Eating: Plants and small animals such as snakes and fish
Pterodactyl comes from the Greek word for lizard with wings (winged lizard). Animals are known with a long beak and a wide range of wings (reaching more than 10 m). Researchers from Ohio University found there was one part of the brain that distinguishes these animals with other vertebrate animals. Flocculi. The proportion in the brain flocculi pterosaurs reached 7.5%, and the average vertebrates have only 1-2% flocculi in his brain. This causes vision Flocculi pterosaurs became much better. However, a large proportion was more likely caused by a wide expanse of wings, because in addition to contact with the eye muscles, flocculi also working closely associated with sensory nerves

8. Coelacanth
Name: coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae)
Length: 2 m
Mass: 80 kg
Age: mid-Devonian (410 jt years ago)
Eating: Squid and small fish
Coelacanth wrote comes from the Greek reply means hollow spine (thorn / spine is curved) is estimated to have become extinct since the Cretaceous era. But the surprising discoveries continue to come as the discovery of this animal in the waters of Tanzania, Madagascar, Kenya, and Indonesia, precisely Bunaken National Marine Park (mantab bro!). Although these animals died after being caught fishing, this animal is believed to still exist and live in deep water (> 700 m). Coelacanth fossil is one of life because almost no significant changes in these animals physically from time to time.
Name: Smilodon (Long-teeth cats)
Length: --
Mass: 55-300 kg
Age: Megantereon (2.5 million, 500,000 years ago)
Eating: plant-eating animals (bison, deer, etc..)
Smilodon or known as the saber-tooth cat comes from the Greek word meaning tooth chisel, found in the Americas. The characteristics of this animal is a canine tooth of a long (17 cm). Smilodon hunted in groups like lions today. However, the group is not dominated by males, because the same body size with females. Long canine teeth are not used to entice couples, so the social life of animals is not well known. Smilodon has a body that is more like a bear because his fur like a bear, and the abdomen is wide and short.

6. Temnodontosaurus
Name: Temnodontosaurus
Length: 9 m
Mass: 15 tons
Period: Early Jurassic (196 million years ago)
Eating: Squid and small fish
Temnodontosaurus an underwater predator that has an amazing swimming stamina, which made him able to swim to the bottom of the sea to find their prey. The fossils were found in the waters of England and Germany. The characteristics of these animals are her large, 20 cm. These animals like dolphins this time, because the long beak and a flat fins.

7. Tyrannosaurus
Name: Tyrannosaurus rex
Length: 12 m, height 6 m
Mass: 7.5 tons
Age: Cretaeceous (68 million years ago)
Eating: plant-eating animals
Tyrannosaurus rex in Greek means Bansa cruel lizard king. Just like the raptor, T-rex limbed two, the neck resembles the letter "s", and has a tail as a counterweight movement. T-rex has a large skull (1.5 m) surrounded by muscle tissue is a strong enabling him to easily chew their prey. This animal is found in the Americas and the continent of Asia (Tarbosaurus). This animal's arm is quite small, only 1 m long and have not found actual function of this arm. Recent research (April 2008) says that T-rex has a kinship with the birds, crocodiles, and ostriches. Although his body is big enough, T-rex has muscles that enable it to run a lot of speed 40-70 km / h. Another ability of these animals are able to smell the smells of the great distances that can compare with the vultures at the moment. Until now still a debate whether the actual T-rex or animals of prey that hunt.

Name: coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae)
Length: 2 m
Mass: 80 kg
Age: mid-Devonian (410 jt years ago)
Eating: Squid and small fish
Coelacanth wrote comes from the Greek reply means hollow spine (thorn / spine is curved) is estimated to have become extinct since the Cretaceous era. But the surprising discoveries continue to come as the discovery of this animal in the waters of Tanzania, Madagascar, Kenya, and Indonesia, precisely Bunaken National Marine Park (mantab bro!). Although these animals died after being caught fishing, this animal is believed to still exist and live in deep water (> 700 m). Coelacanth fossil is one of life because almost no significant changes in these animals physically from time to time.
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