Ice Circle or the circle of ice is a phenomenon that appears in the water that flows slowly in a cold climate. The shape resembles a giant dish which consists of ice and rotates slowly on the surface of the water.
This mystery has really been mentioned in the 19th century. An illustration of the Ice Circle magazine has been published in Scientific American in 1895. London News also reported this phenomenon is happening in Toronto in 1930.
Generally, this phenomenon appeared in Scandinavia and North America, but never one time seen in the UK in January 2009.
Circle Ice generally appear on the curve of the river where water flow is accelerated to create a force called "rotational shear", which then broke the ice and play.
In line with the rotation of the disc, he grinding ice around so that a smooth and form a perfect circle. This phenomenon has been identified although the cause, but it remains a rare occurrence.
Here are some examples of the beautiful ice circle:

River in Michigan, United States.

Otten River in Devon, England. 3 meters in diameter

Frozen river in Russia

Sheridan River at Rattray Marsh Conservation Area in Canada,
approximately 1.6 meters in diameter

A river in Sweden

Waldo, the United States.

Amasa, Michigan.

Connecticut, USA
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