Saturday, March 20, 2010

Small Creatures 9 very DANGEROUS!

Some people think that a dangerous creature is large, but you also need to know that little can be dangerous. Here is a list of 9 small, harmless creature, though not the most deadly but these creatures are dangerous and painful. Moreover, there are hanging around us.

9. Ticks

Fleas have many kinds and almost all of them can spread the disease. Lice are usually a parasite in the human or animal body by sucking the blood and infect a wide range of diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, Equine encephalitis, Colorado tick fever, and African Tick Bite Fever.

8. Tarantula Eagles

Tarantula Hawk so called because this insect tarantula hunt for food. Produced insect sting is very painful, people just will not scream if exposed to the sting!

7.Tsetse fly
Biting flies from Africa is sucking the blood of vertebrate animals and humans. Bites transmit the protozoan Trypanosoma can cause Sleeping Sickness in humans and in cattle Nagana. Sleeping sickness, characterized by fever and headache and swelling at the back of the neck, slept in the daytime and insomnia.

6. Killer Bees

Killer bees from Africa is potentially very dangerous because the result of a very menyakitan sting and their tendency to live in flocks, so they will attack together, chasing a disturbing threat to them even when away from the nest.

5. Deathstalker
Animals of this species of scorpions have poisonous stings are extremely dangerous. Sting that contains powerful neuro toxin can paralyze the children and the elderly.

4.Black Widow

The spider is an insect of the most familiar and often we see. Black Widow is actually very dangerous, even the issuance of poison could be more dangerous than a rattlesnake, only because the amount released is less influential on the effectiveness of its poison sting.

3. Army Ant

If you own, this ant species will not be dangerous. However, these ant species are more like living in a very large herd of millions samapai to one flock. Some of the attacks occur in people who show these ants flock into the cavities and organs in humans that can cause shortness of breath and death.

2. Bullet Ant
The bullet ant's bite can not kill you, but you will never forget the bite. Called bullet ants because the bite is felt seerti hit, and this is the most painful bites ever known to mankind. In the Schmidt Sting Pain Index which described that its bite causes "burning, throbbing, and pain that continued until 24 hours".

1. Anopheles mosquito
Regarded as the most dangerous creatures on earth. Mosquitoes cause more than 300 million cases of malaria each year, causing between 1 to 3 million deaths. Mosquitoes can also cause dengue fever, elephantiasis, and yellow fever. They are usually active during the night, so one way to protect yourself is to install anti-insect and wearing long sleeves.

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