Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mysterious creatures bearer Death In Gobi Desert


trivial, just a worm. But "deadly worm" a mysterious form of this pointy-toothed worm can dampen nerve explorers who crossed the Gobi Desert. This worm said to include malignant and can penetrate the skin of animals and humans, toxic, and can damage internal organs. This creature creatures innumerable legends, whose existence is still doubted by scientists, because the appearance is still confused and can not be ascertained. The scientists also rank as kriptozoologikal creatures.

some pictures circulating on the internet was just crap (hoaxes) alone. Photo's what the rest of the mysterious creature is actually a lethal one contestant's boasting photographs of Japan in 2008. The following image deliberately signaled this photograph to stifle the circulation returned to spice the story stuff.

are still confused, but several witnesses from the local population and the explorers say that such creatures do exist, and never be found residing in the stomachs of dead animals. If so, what explanation? While can be explained that the mysterious creatures deadly form of worms, with terlaporkan length between 0.5 to 1.5 meters was only one species of worm lizards. Worm lizard itself is not actually a worm, according to the classification of worm lizard experts were "relatives" close to snakes and lizards....

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